a Chucktrevino.com - Film Review  -  Warning Page



    (First Half)

    Copyright January 2000
    By Charles Adrian Trevino

XXXXXXXXXXXX  ct-mic-7 (133K)

Hello again!  It's me, Chucky.  I am about to go out on a rather thin limb (again), and bring everybody down (as usual) with some more really, really, REALLY bad news, followed by a little bit of what should be regarded as good news... but may not be, to you.  That depends, actually, on what you got upstairs there. 

Let us begin with a little bit of the bad news; ok, more than just a little bit.  As some of you may have figured out by now... this country is rapidly going to shit.  Demon seed international financier/politicians have bought up everybody and everything, using our own money, which we (not chuckyboy!) unknowingly paid to them; they are now renting out that aforesaid everything back to us, at a high price indeed -- our very souls.  While Satanist-funded worshippers of insanity riot, burn, loot, terrorize, assault, and murder us with impunity (being incited and protected by people with names kind of like Joe Blow, Mr. New$Sum, Mrs. JoAnne Hardass T., Messrs. CNN and BusinessInsider.com, as well as other "star"-making entities), the good old "let's laugh loudly together now, as we all go to Hell in a bucket" crew sit back, watch the show, and gloat. 

Oh boy, that was some beginning, huh?  What the hell is Charles trying to say now, in his patented, inimically asinine way?  Alright then... let's tone it down a bit; why don't we just talk about my recent experience with our friends at Triple A (AAA), that highly impartial roadside service company that will come out and assist anyone who calls for help, regardless of size, shape, color, or political affiliation.  Well, maybe not political affiliation...

On the afternoon of May 25, 2021, after having posted just one little criticism of the entity that stole the 2020 Presidential Election for the good Mr. Joe and his cohorts (ok, I'm lying... I had actually posted many, many webpages re: the abovementioned stolen election [yeah, it was stolen... if you don't believe me, the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, ok?  Oh... and can I sell you a watch?) I found myself in need of either a jump start or a tow... and fast, as I was sitting in a JiffyLube bay waiting for an oil change (which I never got... don't forget again, Charles [ooh, another rebuilt engine!]).  No problem; I was a paid-in-full, 6-year member of AAA (The Automobile Club of Southern California), a valued customer of high standing (Premier, even!)... or so I thought. 

AAA- 46 min (289K) So I called Triple A... and after listening to a long recorded message, I waited to speak to an operator.  And waited.  And waited some more.  After a few long minutes, I decided to hang up and call back, thinking that AAA had merely gotten their wires crossed, or something.  So I called back again, and waited.  And waited some more.  Then I called a third time... same deal, recording, no operator.  At that point I decided to abandon my car in that nice institution's parking lot (overnight, as it turned out) and make my way home.  Fortunately, VERY FORTUNATELY, I was only a few blocks from my house.

When I got home, I decided that it might behoove me to try again, just to prove a point.  So I called Triple A back... and got the same deal, no response.  After the first 30 minutes, I started to take pictures of my cell phone using another camera.  After over 46 minutes, I decided I had enough evidence to prove my point.  The next morning, when I called AAA again to inquire what might have happened (could the AAA operator have had a pressing engagement with a NetFlix movie?), the new operator, extremely surprised, told me that that kind of thing had never happened before at AAA, as far as she knew.

AAA- 46 min-3 (429K) Now here's the ironic part; I had been anticipating that such a thing would happen to me, for years.  Why?  Well, it might have something to do with AAA's free semi-annual magazine, the beloved Westways, which I used to read (back when time was long) for amusement... even after I had ascertained, judging from its advertisements of Steven Spielberg hate-cartoon "movies" and pro-SS-DG journalistic content, that Westways Magazine, and Triple A accordingly, were blatantly controlled by the same Satanists that, well... stole the 2020 election!  A rather nauseating entity that I like to refer to as the Insane Hyena Posse (SS-DG's for short), an entity that lives to screw me (and you) up; in fact, me and this entity hate each other's innards to pieces!

Actually, that annoying missed tow is the least of my SS-DG concerns... still, its worth knowing that if a big SS-DG thinks you're not worthy of a tow (whether its because you accept absolute proof of election fraud when it comes up and hits you in the face, or otherwise), then you're probably not going to get that tow... six-year paid-in-full Premier member or not.  Although in my case, it turned out alright; the nice folks at JiffyLube helped me work things out, with little damage done... except to my sense of propriety.  Thanks for restoring my faith in humanity (and big corporations too), Triple A.  However, here's some good news:  If any of you break down somewhere far from home, you may still be alright... that is, if you don't go and piss off some unknown, unseen, unaccountable SS-DG from Hell.

CT - May 2021 (106K) And I'm just some small-potatoes, funny little guy who sits there and goes tap, tap, tap on his computer's keyboard all day long!  But what if you're someone who poses a more substantial threat to what a big-time SS-DG thinks should be?  Like those hundreds of supporters of The Evil Donald Trump that got stuck "in the cold," (actually it was freezing cold) for hours when their scheduled buses didn't come to take them to distant parking lots at Omaha’s Eppley Airfield, on the night of Tuesday, October 27, 2020?  What?  Oh, you didn't hear about that report from the very non-partisian Washington Post... it seems that Trump deliberately throttled traffic to one direction after the rally!  And the buses couldn’t navigate the jammed airport roads, thanks to Trump (according, that is, to CNN’s Jeff Zeleny - very trustworthy source, CNN.) 

But don't worry folks, only seven people had to be taken to hospitals as the temperature plunged to nearly freezing.  And they did finally clear the rally site... after 12:30 a.m., more than 3-1/2 hours after Trump flew away in warm comfort on Air Force One (shame on Trump for not turning off the airplane's heat).  Actually, that "seven people hospitalized" figure wasn't quite accurate, as Police and fire authorities wouldn't immediately return messages from The Washington Post early the next day, and also declined to provide reporters on the scene with precise numbers of how many needed treatment.  I wonder what the authorities were so miffed about, since it was clearly Trump's fault... at least according to Nebraska state Sen. Megan Hunt, a Democrat (no shit, Sherlock) who stated as follows:  “Supporters of the President were brought in, but buses weren’t able to get back to transport people out.  It’s freezing and snowy in Omaha tonight.  He truly does not care about you."  But don't worry, folks... Megan cares!

Damn it all, I was going to try to put a lid on this sarcastic tongue of mine... alright then, let's change the subject.  How about we talk about the Plandemic?  You know, that "pandemic" that scads of experts have said is a huge hoax, ostensibly put over to scare people into getting "the jab" (that's a typically mean SS-DG barb, the jab... good one, guys).  "The jab" is SS-DG lingo for those untested vaccinations (first time ever forced upon pregnant women in history, oh, did I say forced?  Stupid me, I did!) that our most excellent protector/politicians are claiming to be the answer to the country's "Covid" problems, ignoring the hard facts:  the vaccine is killing us... if we're lucky (if we're not so lucky, it merely turns us into potted plants, according to medical experts). 

And just why are our politician/protectors so afraid to protect us from The Devil, and his fiendishly clever vaccination/murder campaigns (which have been exposed by courageous crusaders time and time again?)

rand paul-2 (110K) You might want to ask Rand Paul, the medically-trained Republican Senator from Kentucky, one of the most vocal critics of Dr. "Tony" Fauci's "life-giving" vaccination plot; also one of our braver representatives who challenged the stolen 2020 Presidential election results (and a damn fine candidate for President or House Speaker, in my opinion).  It seems that "somebody up there" doesn't like Rand!  Numerous attempts have been made on Rand's and other Republican's lives;  in June 2017, Rand narrowly escaped death when one crazed James Hodgkinson shot a number of Republicans who were having baseball practice at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park, after asking exiting GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan if the remaining players were Republicans or Democrats (why would he ask that, if this was not an obviously politically motivated mass-assassination attempt?)  His bullets struck U.S. House member Steve Scalise (nearly killed him) and injured two U.S. Capitol Police officers named Crystal Griner and David Bailey, before an armed bystander killed Hodgkinson.  Think about that for a while.

Wray, Guardian (48K) The FBI finally classified this incident as “domestic terrorism” carried out by a “domestic violent extremist” targeting Republicans, after previously having termed it a “suicide by cop” attempt (poor cops!), according to The Gateway Pundit, a slightly more credible news source than, ahem, CNN or Business Insider (Don't worry you busy-Biz Insiders, I'll be getting to you soon).  In April 2021 a U.S. House representative got a reluctant Christopher Wray to investigate the origins of that odd report; the event was then quietly updated to a domestic terrorist event!  That interesting tidbit was buried deep in the middle of a long FBI release, and reversed the previous finding of McCabe-1 (109K) Andrew McCabe in 2017; could McCabe have been trying to avoid deeper scrutiny of the motivation for the attempted murder of Republicans, at the hand of a far-left radical activist (why do I keep hearing the lines from Bob Dylan's song Jokerman:  "False hearted judges, dying in the words that they spin; only a matter of time 'til night comes stepping in...")?  And of course, the mainstream media (CNN, Washington Post, The Atlantic, NBC News, The Chicago Tribune, blah blah blah [shut up NOW, Charles!] quickly got busy demanding why the deeper investigation was even done (Ooh, I hate those SS-DG meeces to pieces!)!

Rand Paul seems to have taken quite a beating at the hands of the Satanists, and I mean that quite literally.  If you're easily excitable, maybe you'd better take a tranquilizer before reading the following item:  In November 2017, while mowing his lawn wearing noise-canceling headphones to protect one deaf ear, Rand was viciously attacked by his neighbor, a rank coward named Rene Boucher (an anesthesiologist, before retiring boucher, paul, caption (225K) to his present life as an SS-DG-mentality snake).  Boucher waited until Rand's back was turned to him, then charged Rand running full-speed down Rand's very steep lawn, pushing the doctor/senator ten feet and breaking six of his ribs.  Rand almost died from the resulting infection and other complications, and still suffers pain from Boucher's incredibly gutless attack (very suspiciously, the "non-politically motivated" attack occured at a time when Rand's presence was crucial to passing the Senate’s version of a tax reform bill, without Democratic votes (his prolonged absence would have adversely affected his party's slim majority in the upper chamber to push through their legislative tax-reform agenda).

But Boucher's disgustingly spineless attack was just the beginning of a series of events that can only be described as absolutely INSANE.  First of all, mainstream media outlets such as The Washington Post, NBC News, the New York Times, Vox (?), and the incredibly nauseating GQ Magazine all began defending Boucher, while trying to paint Rand as a vindictive, whining cry-baby who vindictively objected to Boucher's already overly-harsh sentence... an unbelievably light 30 days!  30 days in the hole, what an unlucky shoplifter might do -- for blindsidingly tackling a U.S. Senator whom he said had been annoying him for years, by leaving his cut grass piles too near Boucher's yard!  The cowardly attack broke six of Rand's ribs, forcing him to continue representing us expertly misinformed suckers for the rest of his life in great pain; Rand suffered several bouts of pneumonia following the attack, eventually undergoing hernia surgery because of all of his chronic coughing.  Later, Rand had to have one of his lungs removed due to Boucher's courage-inspiring attack; upon his announcing that upcoming surgery online, the noble media outlet Twitter saw fit to run thousands of posts from the left-wing lunatic fringe wishing that Rand had died from this satanic attack, and calling for more SS-DG maggots to finish him off.  That's the same Twitter that will cut your account if you try to post information they don't like to hear... like the Stanford University study which found that wearing masks did nothing to protect you from Covid-19, and in fact was hazardous to your health.  Fortunately, a higher court (and human being) appealed Boucher's light sentence and fine, and rightfully threw the book at him; a couple of months in jail... WHAT?  And a judgment of over half a million dollars.  ALRIGHT!  There still is sanity up there... although Boucher's lawyer quickly filed an appeal, the rat.

Then, then, our noble "fourth estate" began amplifying the lame arguments Boucher's lawyer used to get his murderous-swine client off, asserting over and over that the vicious attack was not politically motivated, and in fact was nothing more than a "typical friendly neighbor dispute" that went a little too far, since Rand had been "pulling Boucher's nose hairs out" for years.  Boucher actually said that.  "His social media postings were violent.  He talked about doing violence to the president," Rand stated, which threats were "completely ignored because the media wanted to develop a narrative."  Rand's wife Kelley added that Boucher has admitted in court that "he hasn't spoken to Rand in over 10 years."  "We never had any dispute (with Boucher)," she said.  "I always waved whenever I saw him very occasionally in the neighborhood, so we had no idea that this person harbored any animus toward us at all."

CHUCK:  PUT THIS SOMEWHERE)  FROM THE WASHINGTON POST:  "The wording there — “involving state and federal authorities” — is also somewhat intriguing.  Why are the federal authorities going to be involved?  We only know so far of the arrest warrant in Kentucky.  Is it just because Paul is a U.S. senator and they are inherently involved?  Federal law, for what it's worth, makes attacking federal officials like members of Congress punishable by up to 10 years in prison if "personal injury results."  There are a lot more questions than answers right now.  And the whole thing seems to be getting more opaque rather than less."  Great, Bezos!  I know you SS-DG's like things "more opague, rather than less!"

fred willard, kimmel's boucher guy (229K) And if that wasn't insane enough for you, then the world-renowned SS-DG comedian, political commentator and media superhero JIMMY KIMMEL! (is that the best you can come up with, insane hyena posse?  Oh no, I forgot about your other superhero, Bill Maher!!  Sheeeeesshh...) started making fun of Rand Paul's plight on his very excellent (if you're a total loser) show, JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE!!!!  Unbelievably, Kimmel's handlers got some poor dying pawn named Fred Willard (who became another YouTube star in his own right) to portray the bold, badass Rene Boucher cutting smelly farts through his mouth, in an attempt to taunt and demoralize Rand and maybe get him to stop defending the clueless, hapless people in this country from, well... people like RENE BOUCHER and JIMMY KIMMEL!!!  If you want to really understand what the SS-DG is all about, I strongly suggest that you do an internet search for JIMMY KIMMEL!!! and see some of this lunacy for yourself... since you don't seem to want to believe CHARLY TREVINO!!! 

rand paul surrounded by 100 BLM'ers (84K) In 2018, Paul was again the target of a violent threat;  U.S. Capitol Police arrested a man whom Paul said had called one of his Kentucky offices and “threatened to kill me and chop up my family with an ax.”  In August 2020, Rand, his wife, and some other unfortunate people in his party were surrounded by an ugly mob of (mostly "white") Black Lives Matter "activists" (not terrorists), and subjected to another heart-palpitating scare, one block from the Capitol.  It seemed that these concerned whitey BLM'ers, who were actually SS-DG's (take my word on that), only wanted Rand to "say her name" ("her" being Breonna Taylor, innocent victim of a "no-knock warrant" home invasion by police); that's all, Rand!  No need for you, your wife, your friends, and the cop that got hurt protecting you to worry.  And if you do worry, it's probably because you're one of those "anti-Satan-ites." So there!  NOTE:  Ironically, Rand is a proponent of ending "no-knock warrant" searches. 

marx, leggy wife (184K) And now its time for another chucktrevino.com-style lesson in how the media makes superstars out of the lowest, foulest, shittiest, ugliest, fecklessliest (I just made that one up, heh-heh), and most talentless worms they can find out there.  Hmmm, where shall we start?  I know, let's go with a certain May 2021 incident, involving what a certain famous/nobody "pop star" with the big, big, big name of Richard Marx (can I get your autograph, Rich?  Pleeeeeass?) did to Rand Paul.  Oh hell, let's save some typing time and just re-print this May 26, 2021 Speed Read article (with little parentheticals in italics added by Charles, heh-heh), written by Peter Weber.  Here it is:

Last Night on Late Night - Rand Paul blamed pop star Richard Marx for a threatening package.  Marx's reply was "right there waiting" for Stephen Colbert.

Rand Paul received a suspicious package at home.  He blames a pop singer he claims "called for violence".

A suspicious package containing white powder and, reportedly, a death threat arrived at Sen. Rand Paul's (R-Ky.) house on Monday.  That isn't funny.  Threatening anybody, much less a U.S. senator, is serious, even if tests showed that the powdery substance "is not dangerous," as the Capitol Police said Tuesday evening, and "non-toxic," as Kentucky's Warren County Sheriff's Office confirmed separately. 

But Paul's response, blaming the threat on '80s pop star Richard Marx, is kind of humorous.  On Sunday, Marx slammed Paul for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19.  "If I ever meet Rand Paul's neighbor (the above-mentioned coward Rene Boucher), I'm going to hug him and buy him as many drinks as he can consume," he tweeted.  Paul's neighbor Rene Boucher tackled the senator in 2017, breaking six of his ribs, and spent 30 days in federal prison for the assault.  "As a repeated target of violence, it is reprehensible that Twitter allows C-list celebrities to encourage violence against me and my family," Paul tweeted Monday night.  "Just this weekend Richard Marx called for violence against me and now we receive this powder filled letter."  Twitter said Tuesday that Marx's tweet "was in violation of our glorification of violence policy," and it was taken down (Oh, Twitter!  How good of you... I was beginning to think that you only took down "fake news" tweets, like the ones from world-respected scientists who claim that the Plandemic, oops I mean pandemic, was a contrived hoax!).

Marx pushed back, tweeting that Paul's refusal to get vaccinated is much more dangerous than "a wisecrack about Rand Paul's neighbor."  But The Late Show also responded to Paul on Marx's behalf, repurposing his 1989 ballad "Right Here Waiting."  (Hmmm, Charles can't seem to recall ever hearing about superstar Richard Marx, or his threatening ballad...  but it must be excellent, if those Late Night music afficionados say so!)  Marx played along, too, interrupting Stephen Colbert's monologue to play-act being evil (Huh?  Wot?  The?  Fuh?), but mostly to promote his various projects.


Did you all read that properly?  Yeah you did, I didn't change a word, I swear.  If these SS-DG's are not insane, then Charles most definitely is!  Want to read some more verbatim news reports?  No, you can't take any more of this bull-do-do, you say, ?  Good...  here's another one:

From The WASHINGTON POST, By Tim Elfrink and Felicia Sonmez  -  May 25, 2021 at 10:05 p.m. UTC

When a suspicious package filled with white powder showed up at his house in Kentucky on Monday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said he knew exactly who was to blame for inspiring the threat: 
pop singer Richard Marx.

Paul pointed to a Sunday tweet in which the singer behind hits like “Don’t Mean Nothing” and “Endless Summer Nights” said he would buy drinks for Paul’s neighbor, who broke several of the senator’s ribs in a 2017 attack.  The intent, Paul argued, was to incite another violent attack against him.

marx, leggy wife-2 (228K) “As a repeated target of violence, it is reprehensible that Twitter allows C-list celebrities to encourage violence against me and my family,” Paul said in a statement shared with Politico, which broke the news of the suspicious package.  “Just this weekend Richard Marx called for violence against me and now we receive this powder filled letter.”

Marx, who often tweets about politics to his more than 300,000 followers, countered that his tweet — which appeared to have been deleted as of early Tuesday evening — was simply “a wisecrack about Rand Paul’s neighbor.”

“I’m the only person on Twitter who’s ever referenced Rand Paul’s neighbor,” Marx sarcastically replied to one critic sharing Paul’s accusations on Twitter.  “Must have been me.”  (Oh Rich, your sarcastic resentment about being the only Rand-hating hero out there is so inspiring... I think I'll emulate your sarcastic style from now on you big Twitter star, you!)

Ok, enough about that superstar-idiot, Richard Marx, and his prolific, conservative-baiting Twitter feed that one newspaper critic called “hilariously profane" (one real high-class critic, wouldn't you say?)  No more from this creep, I promise... and as everybody knows by now, my word is as good as gold... um, let's just make that pyrite.


National arts reporter Geoff Edgers interviewed Richard Marx on Instagram Live on May 26 to talk about the singer's newest projects. 

Marx, who rose to fame in the late ’80s and then recorded numerous top 20 hits in the ’90s, has grown his online profile during the pandemic with podcasts and a prolific, conservative-baiting Twitter feed that one newspaper critic called “hilariously profane.”  On Sunday, after Paul drew headlines by saying on a podcast that he planned to skip the vaccine, Marx lashed out at the Republican lawmaker. 

“I’ll say it again,” Marx tweeted.  “If I ever meet Rand Paul’s neighbor I’m going to hug him and buy him as many drinks as he can consume.”

As backlash grew early Tuesday over Paul’s statement, Marx responded by tweeting out a story on the senator contracting covid-19 last year and potentially exposing other lawmakers.

“You know who actually put multiple people’s lives at potential risk?” he wrote.

A Twitter spokesperson said Tuesday that Marx’s initial tweet about Paul’s neighbor “was in violation of our glorification of violence policy,” and that Marx “is required to remove the Tweet.”  (Required, huh?  I guess Twitter didn't see fit to block this blatantly hateful tweet, like they do if someone tries to warn people that the Covid-19 vaccines are turning people into craven vegetables, if they're not lucky enough to die first!).

The incident has become the latest rallying cry for conservatives who claim that social media platforms overtly target right-wing users.  It comes as Paul (a real doctor) has faced blowback this week for saying that he will refuse the coronavirus vaccine, citing the antibodies he says he has from contracting covid-19 last year.  (As you all know, a CDC-approved vaccine that is killing tens of thousands of people is better than God's Own immune system, which he gave you free of charge, and which doesn't implant anything bad into your system!)

Heard enough yet?  I can just hear you now:  "Please stop, Charles!  I can't take another word from you!"  Ok, ok, I hear you.  It's time to summarize all of this insanity, chucktrevino.com style;  but first, a word from our President... I mean, our would-be President... um, our should-be President?  Uh oh, I think I'm about to get thrown in jail for sedition for saying that... or maybe they'll just get some Rene Boucher-guy to come and blindside me, or send some nice protesting terrorists to terrorize me (and my neighbors), or manipulate some suicidal pawn (whom they made suicidal) to come shoot at me; or maybe they'll surround me with 100 BLM'ers on the boardwalk (now that is real scary, Charles; watch your back, boy).  If they do... I suppose I should be honored!  To them, I'm like a Rand Paul... an American Protector/Hero!  Glad to have become a staunch supporter of yours, Rand... that is, if you're still alive to support, at the time of this publishing.  Watch your back!


Trump calls Washington, D.C. protesters "thugs" - Aug. 29, 2020

Trump denigrated those who protested and accosted Paul after his convention speech during a rally in New Hampshire Friday evening, calling them "thugs."

"He’s a good guy, he’s a friend of mine, and that shouldn’t happen to anybody," Trump said, adding "and those four policemen should be brought over to the White House and we ought to give them a medal of some kind."

Muriel-Bowser BLM Blvd (311K) The president excoriated D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, with whom he has been at loggerheads in the wake of racial unrest and demonstrations against police brutality in the city.

"Because the democratic mayor of Washington DC, it’s another Democrat that’s not believing in law and order," he said. "And these incredible people from all over the country, all over the world that were there last night  — they walked out to a bunch of thugs ... That wasn’t friendly protesters, they were thugs."

Bowser, who gained national attention for painting "Black Lives Matter" on a street near the White House and renaming it Black Lives Matter Plaza, has been at odds with protesters demanding police reforms because she has rejected calls to defund the Metropolitan Police Department.

Thanks, Muriel!  Maybe you should be arrested for sedition, instead of old Charles, eh? 

Alright, alright, I'm gonna' quit now, I swear up and down.  But this is so much fun... sigh.  Hey, you only live once!  Unless you're a cat...


Ok, at the risk of getting arrested, jailed, repeatedly raped and then killed in jail, "Jeffrey Epstein"-style, let's sum things up here:  A central bank that was born in a Jekyll Island duck blind (yuk yuk), which is known by many, many knowledgable people to have been forced upon this and other countries several times already, with devastating results, has enabled its owners to take control of not only this country, but every country and protectorate in the world.  The owners of this bank appear to be typical products of corrupt wealth (i.e., weak, greedy, immoral, spoiled brats) and are acting just as any person who possesses common sense should know they would act.  But these Brats possess power that most people could not even imagine exists, and are using that ungodly power to further their goals, one of which is to turn every person too weak or ignorant to reject them into clones of themselves... so they won't feel so bad about being themselves.  The more clones they manufacture, the harder it is for the higher quality people to fight them off, and so they too eventually must give in, or die in despair... usually by suicide, if The Brat doesn't murder them.  They have started a non-stop series of conflicts, quarrels and wars amongst not only people, but entire countries as well.  They are responsible for runaway inflation, poverty, homelessness, pollution, deterioration of higher moral values, cultural rot, spiritual lassitude, global misery and world wars (to name just a few of their "successes").  They are blind, mindless parasites that could not exist without their host... the human race.  They are not human beings, having failed to meet the standards that distinguish human beings from apes.  In spite of this, they are very quick to call other people apes... and have the money and power to back this false claim up, absurd as it is.  They control the entertainment industry, which some very perceptive people have labeled "the opiate of the masses."  This opiate is a thousand times worse than the most debilitating drug ever known to man.  NOTE:  In all fairness, Charles watches movies and listens to music himself, too; very old movies and music. 

These Brats can bash and batter the human race about as they please, like an un-supervised farmhouse dog worrying a helpless kitten to death, with total impunity -- and they do.  They can actually laugh as they commit these crimes against a helpless humanity; this is because, as a natural result of their pampered but low-class upbringing, they have lost the will to make even a half-hearted attempt at decency, and have completely given up on being a human being.  It is quite simply beyond their capabilities.

At the present time, they are engaged in an all-out attempt to bring the entire world to its knees, apparently so that they can continue to feel superior to and make fun of any person possessing enough intelligence and spirit to contend with them; they crush these good people, and grind their noble bones into the ground with their tyrannical heel.  In the end, this is their sole reason for living; to "win."  I have no concept of what it is they think they are winning, after they have made life completely miserable for themselves; perhaps they think that God actually meant for the world to be what they've turned it into. 

Hmmm... let's just end this summary right here, before I turn myself into some kind of plastic Buddah that everybody pays to absolve and enlighten them!  If the truth be known, if I had money I would quickly turn into the fattest cat the world has ever had to bear.  Go absolve and enlighten your own selves... and I wish you all the best of luck!

Next time on chucktrevino.com:  Charles takes an "inside peek" at what the SS-DG's are doing to Virginia Senator Josh Hawley, whom they seem to fear greatly for some reason, judging from all the media attacks on him (I just love that picture you guys keep running of Josh goading the Capitol "rioters" into getting themselves arrested, imprisoned, and even killed; you know, the picture with no people whatsoever in the background?  I know I believe you SS-DG guys!).  We will be casting a jaundiced eye on the media character-assassination campaign, and also the terrorist attacks on his wife, baby and outraged neighbors, which the local police just stood by and allowed to happen (even though its illegal to "protest" in that residential neighborhood).  The cops can even be heard thanking the "protesters" in the Chicago Tribune video I saw, after politely asking them if they were ready to leave Mrs. Hawley and her baby alone.  Thankfully, these noble, concerned anti-fascists only came up to her door to leave a little present or something, before lighting about a hundred candles (fire hazard!), painting up the sidewalk, and walking peacefully away.  But they're not always that nice!

Like I said before... watch your back; its getting crazy out there now.  Click the link below for your stupid song.

Click this link to download   HOPE STREET BLUES

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Text Copyright June 2021 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   Song "Hope Street Bluess"  Copyright January 2000 by Charles Adrian Trevino.    Thanks for perusing the contents of this webpage;  I just know you didn't scroll right down to the song without reading it!   And as always, thanks for coming...   this is chucktrevino.com.